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chute zivota | 16.05.2007 07:05 | anonym | | kedysi aj sedenie v trave malo inu prichut, dnes mi dlho trva kym sa adaptujem v prirode, ktora ponuka siroku faunu a floru nekorespondujucu s mojou pokozkou, panelakovou sterilitou. | | 16.05.2007 08:19 | maia | | mnam, australsky Shiraz | | 16.05.2007 08:52 | knourjuraj | | by ma zaujimalo kde sa berie ta istota ze nejaky napis po niekom ostane | načo istota? | 16.05.2007 09:23 | lenclen | | postačí ilúzia, že to tak bude. má to blahodárne účinky, len treba slepo veriť. | :-) | 16.05.2007 09:40 | hypnose | | slepo veriť slepej Viere? | ;-) | 16.05.2007 09:44 | lenclen | | veru veru, nasledujme slepú Vieru! | | 16.05.2007 12:39 | liliana | | nezostane. kazdy raz zarastie machom alebo ho zmaze vietor a dazd | rofl | 16.05.2007 09:30 | rooter | | `elegantne topanky` - tym autorka myslela tie, co mala prave na nohach? tie, co teraz nosi kazda bota? tie, co vyzeraju ako babske socikovske cvicky na ZS, len podla moznosti s flitrami, ruzovo-zeleno-zlato-cierne [napriklad] ? [imho najleopsia kombinacia su pasikave cerveno-oranzov-zlto-cierno-ze lene elastaky, na nich nejaka sukna [podla moznosti hmmm...modra], okolo krku sal, pripadne ina handra]
omfg, dievky wake up! | tzv. | 16.05.2007 09:41 | hypnose | | cirkusový look | nie | 16.05.2007 09:43 | rooter | | tzv. Ugly British Chick Look | šáák | 16.05.2007 10:01 | hypnose | | to je to samé len v bledozelenom | njn | 16.05.2007 10:24 | rooter | | Over the last 3 years I have seen the emergence of a new type of fashion disgrace. Yes, these flat vulgar shoes often accompanied with 80’s charity shop clothes and pastel shaded makeup are combined to create some kind of 50’s/80’s mutant. I detest this current trend and find these ‘ballet flats’ extremely offensive. Firstly the colours are generally silver or gold. That in itself is grotesque. Secondly they are a ballet shoe, looking completely impractical and extremely flimsy. This pathetic excuse for a shoe rises to the very heights of the shoe obscenity top ten that includes Espadrille’s and Cork Platforms.
Then there is the fashion style that goes along with these shoes. Often with the ‘common’ wearer they are just in jeans (often ankle length) and other than that a casual top of sorts. However the ‘hardcore’ go for ‘ra ra’ skirts, or 80’s charity wear and for the life of me they look like such sad try hards I can only weep for their lack of originality. These shoes make women look like the fake ‘beatniks’ or 50’s ‘jazz’ girls, an image that lacked any substance or conveyed any articulation at the time, let alone now. Unless you perversely like the overt pretentiousness of these ethnic mixing ‘cool cats’ and the posturing egos that beat poetry drivel shat out of the early sixties I advise you to ‘ditch this kit’ before you become more shit that kitsch.
[re-post z] | | 16.05.2007 10:53 | anonym | | Whatever tickle your pickle | a ty mas co za look | 16.05.2007 14:00 | anonym | | hypy,nemusis sa za kazdu cenu ku vsetkemu vyjadrit,vyjadruj sa len k tomu comu rozumies,kolkokrat si bola na british ostrovoch,ked cirkusovy look ztotoznujes s british chick look | opäť si ma raz nesklamala | 16.05.2007 15:50 | anonym | | už som myslela, že sa dnes neozveš a dáš mi košom. Ďakujem hneď mám deň krajší. hypnose | | 16.05.2007 16:16 |
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